AnthoLink Publishing   

AnthoLink Publishing


AnthoLink Publishing: Championing the Power of Anthologies

AnthoLink Publishing believes that curated collections of short stories and essays hold a unique power. We specialize in crafting captivating anthologies that unite diverse voices around compelling themes, inviting readers to explore a wide range of perspectives and experiences within a single volume.

The AnthoLink Focus: We seek out contributions that demonstrate:

Types of Anthologies We Love:

Partnering with AnthoLink: Collaborating with us means joining a supportive, inclusive community. We offer:

Success Stories: AnthoLink Publishing has successfully launched numerous anthologies that have received praise for their depth, diversity of voices, and thought-provoking nature.

Submit Your Work: If you have a short story or essay that would thrive as part of a larger collection, please review our detailed submission guidelines on our website.

Iowa Inspiration: While we might not be based in Iowa, we welcome stories and essays that draw inspiration from the state's history or culture. To discover more Iowa-based publishers, check out the options listed here.

Let AnthoLink Publishing help your work become part of something bigger. We're excited to discover the compelling stories and voices you have to offer!